Taipeieater’s Ultimate Treats

What is it?

A food treat box collaboration with Heritage Bakery in Taiwan.

By whom was it produced?

It was a project I produced.

When was it produced?

The project started at the end of May and was released on Oct. 28th, 2021.

Why was it produced?

It was produced during the pandemic in Taiwan. I saw that there was an increase in demand for home delivery food/ goods because people were ordered to shelter in place.

What is it intended to show?

The project symbolizes teamwork.

For two months, I would head to the bakery to work on the recipe with their chef to come up with the perfect recipe that works well with the ingredients and oven they have. It was not as easy as I thought it would be because we were producing the goods in large quantities. In the project, not only was I in charge of creating the recipe, but I was also in charge of marketing the product such as graphic design, photography, and reaching out to influencers to get the word out.

I used my Fujifilm camera for photos, used adobe illustrator to create graphics, and wrote out the content before posting on my social media platform.

Through this project, I realized that it was quite difficult to communicate overseas with time zone differences. It was hard to communicate because it takes both sides to be actively engaged in the project for it to work.